Friday, July 26, 2013

Record and Playback in Telerik Test Studio

Telerik Test Studio comes with a comfort ease of testing by providing Record and Playback facility. Its just so simple to play with the application until and unless the objects are identified.

Point to Remember:
You perform recording only in Internet Explorer (IE), since telerik supports only IE for recording. You can run your recorded steps in in other tools such as Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

We will do a sample record and playback on Google. Lets have a look.

1. First you need to create a New Project and a New Web Test in Test Studio.
2. Record button will appear after the Web Test. Click on Record button or right click the Web Test and click on Open, then click the Record Button.
3. IE will be opened with Telerik Test Studio Connection.
4.Enter the URL "" in the Internet Explorer.
5. Enter the Text as "Software Testing" or anything in the search text box.
6. Click on Search button.
7. Close the IE and recording will be automatically stopped.
8. Respective steps will be created according to the recording.
9. Click on run button.

Lets have a look at the Recorder Screen and understand its various features: